13 MARCH 1971, page 17

Dermot Fenlon On The Enlightenment Club

Erasmus of Rotterdam George Faludy (Eyre and Spottiswoode £3.25) In 1702 the French traveller Bernard de Montfaucon described his visit to a monas- tery near Venice. He was......

James Morris: Duty, Honour, Empire

The Wind of Morning Hugh Boustead (Chatto and Windus £2.80) 'I watched the rabbits playing on the green turf', wrote the Maharajah of Jaipur after a visit to Curzon's home at......

Gabriel Pearson On Robert Frost

'I have always thought of poetry as pro- wess—something to achieve, something to win or lose.' It sounds like the archetypal American boast, the cliche of classic com- petitive......