Shock Report
Mr Callaghan may have shocked the Sun, but I doubt very much it he shocked the Commons, or anyone else who has read the Bill. Indeed Mr Maudling, speaking immedi- ately before......
Rudi Intelligence
Last week was a bad week for Rudi Dutschke, I was glad to learn from the Daily Mirror and the Guardian. The Daily Mirror reported that Danny La Rue had been elected as their......
Drabble Is What Drabble Says
Miss Margaret Drabble appeared this week for the defence in an Old Bailey obscenity case, She was asked in cross-examination, 'Are you saying that if a book is well written and......
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THE SPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK Murdoch's Sun this week out-Powelled Enoch. Ostensibly reporting the Immigcation Bill debate, its headline bawled 'Shock warn- ing by Callaghan: DOOR......
Like The Cat That's Left Behind
Most Anglo-Indians I know feel drawn with affection to both their countries; but they have mainly made up their minds already as to which they regard themselves as belonging. I......
Gentleman Re-blocked
Bertie Wooster, were he around, would have been airily gallivanting through St James's Park : the sun was shining, the air was mild, the crocuses were out; and what better time......