13 MARCH 1971, page 25

Waugh Bile

Sir: Auberon Waugh, your fiction reviewer—if that is the word—is a regular chip off the old shoulder. Your issue of 27 February finds him on the one hand complaining of Your......

Israel And The Olive Branch

Sir: In President Sadat's interview with Newsweek he made it quite clear that he wants an Israeli withdrawal behind El Arish, and says nothing about direct negotia- tions. In......

Postal Reforms

Sir: Your readers would be wrong to conclude from Mr Franks's letter (27 •February) that there was no 'postal network' in 1836. A table in H. Joyce's History of the Post Office......

Sir: Your Article (27 January) 'is- Rael And The Olive

branch' seems unreasonably and unrealistically biased against Israel. You write of the Israel government's response to President Sadat's 'new diplo- macy' as being......

A Case Of Privilege

Sir: In her column on 27 Febru- ary, Sally Vincent refers to the fact that MPS are more equal than the rest of us in the matter of im- munity from libel. Actually the im- munity......