13 MARCH 1971, Page 27

Curious thought

The Labour voters in Arundel and Shore. ham have made a mistake in not adopting Humphry Berkeley as the Labour candidate in the hopeless fight they have before them in the coming by-election.

Whatever they think of him, he has a deep commitment to any beliefs he currently holds. More important, like Tom Jackson, Gerald Naharro, and Colin Jordan. he has an odd curiosity value and is a natural for newspaner coverage which the Labour party might find useful just now.

Humphry Berkeley is a kindly Mr Punch, though when he is warmed up on Rhodesia, apartheid or reminiscing on battles at the United Nations Association he appears to be part of a Torquemada-like terror.

'Recant, by God, or I'll burn your eye out.'

God bless him. I hope he gets a chance before long in a safe Labour seat.