[TO THE EDiTOR OP TES "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—In your note to my letter in the Spectator of February 7th you say I assume that the Anglo-German Alliance is "the result of the operations of Nature, like a thunder-storm," whereas we have, in fact, "walked head in air into a morass." By no means. I assume that his Majesty's Government acted deliberately. My point is that had they taken the alternative course of independent action, they still ran risk of being "bogged,"—to use your metaphor. The ground, as events have proved, was so treacherous that either way was a choice Of evils; and I submit, that it has not been' proved that the policy of independent action would have been easy, ex.
peditious, and unimpeachable. We are not the only Power which finds the road " messy."—I am, Sir, &c., Wicklow Lodge, .Melion Mowbray.
[Our correspondent forgets that we fully assent to the Mon- roe doctrine though Germany does not, and that America had and could have no fear on that head. If we wanted to defy the Monroe doctrine, as we certainly do not, the co-operation of Germany's small Navy would be an altogether immaterial consideration. That Germany gains infinitely more than we do we readily admit.—En. Spectator.]