Two More Points In Mr. Chamberlain's Speech Remain To Le
noted. The first was his reference to the Dutch minisfas of religion. They had been charged by the English and Colonial Press with fomenting discord, but he held the accusation......
At Bloemfontein On Friday Week Mr. Chamberlain Received A...
of Boer delegates beaded by General De Wet. An address drawn up by Judge Hertzog and Mr. Fichardt, and containing a series of indictments against the British Government, was......
We Note With No Little Satisfaction That The American Senate
has ratified the Alaskan Boundary Treaty, under which, it will be remembered, three British and three United States Com- missioners are empowered to fix the frontier line......
Plenty Of Signs Have Been Apparent During The Past Week
that trouble is brewing in the United States, not only between Capital and Labour, but between the capitalists and the Execu- tive. We have dealt elsewhere with the anti-Trust......
At A Banquet Given On The Following Evening Important...
were made both by Lord Milner and Mr. Chamber- lain. Lord Milner took occasion to state emphatically that there never has been, and never will be, anything like sub- ordination......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Times Summarises In Tues-...
issue an interesting article on German Socialism con- tributed by M. Jaures to the Petite .Thipublique. Relations between the German Socialists and the Kaiser, he points out,......
A By-election Was Held In The South Division Of Antrim
on Thursday week owing to Mr. Macartney's acceptance of the office of Deputy Master of the Mint, with the following result; Mr. C. C. Craig (C.) 4,464 Dr.. Keightley (Farmers'......