At Bloemfontein on Friday week Mr. Chamberlain received a deputation
of Boer delegates beaded by General De Wet. An address drawn up by Judge Hertzog and Mr. Fichardt, and containing a series of indictments against the British Government, was presented to Mr. Chamberlain; but in view of the fact that some of those present had never seen the document, and others repudiated it afterwards, it is not necessary to treat it very seriously. It is enough to point out that Mr. Chamberlain very properly insisted on the production of specific instances of bad faith, and that Judge Hertzog in almost every instance entirely failed to satisfy the test. Mr. Chamberlain added that the method of compensation had already been publicly announced, and the money paid by burghers for the maintenance of their families in the con- centration camps had either been already repaid, or would be repaid, in its entirety. General De Wet—who seems as im- practicable and ill-conditioned in council as he was efficient in the field—towards the close of the proceedings made a bitter speech, declaring that co-operation was impossible in the country as long as Piet De Wet (his brother) and C. L. Botha represented the people, who would not be ruled by them, but should rule them. He added that he would not rest till he had caused a rebellion—not an armed rebellion, but one of agitation and discontent—against the Government. On this Mr. Chamberlain promptly responded that while the Govern- ment was prepared to carry out the terms of peace, England would not forget her friends, and it was wrong to suppose that those who assisted the Government would be subjected to any other section. This clear and decisive answer is said to have made a great impression on the "wild Boers."