We Note With Great Satisfaction That A Royal Commission Has
been appointed to inquire into the means of locomotion and transport in London. The Commission will deal with the possibilities of improvement by "the development and......
Mr. Augustine Birrell, Who Is To Be The Liberal Candidate
at the next election in the North division of Bristol, gave on Monday night at the Brunswick School an interesting lecture on "Progress." Although, be said, the Word "progress,"......
Madame Humbert And Her Husband Made Their First Public...
in a Paris Police Court on Wednesday. Madame Humbert was brought up on a charge of malicious prosecu- tion by IL Cattard, a banker, whom previous to her flight she had sued in......
Colonel Kinloch's Side Of The Case Was Put Forward In
Wednesday's Times by his brother-in-law, Mr. W. Bromley- Davenport, M.P. Mr. Davenport, replying to Admiral Cochrane, begins his letter by stating emphatically that neither......
The Times Of Tuesday Contained A Long Letter From...
Cochrane in reference to the recent inci- dents in the Grenadier Guards. The letter is, of course, an ex parts statement of the case of one of the officers concerned, and until......
In A Letter To Friday's Times Admiral Cochrane Again Re-
turned to the charge with an answer to Colonel Kinkel], in which he asks him the following questions :—" Does he assert that he, Colonel Kinloch, demanded from him [Colonel......
Mr. Asquith, In Speaking At The Eighty Club Dinner On
February 6th, dealt with the important subject of Trade- Union law. He maintained that legal recognition of free combination "had been a wise and a beneficent change in the......
A By-election Was Held In The South Division Of Antrim
on Thursday week owing to Mr. Macartney's acceptance of the office of Deputy Master of the Mint, with the following result; Mr. C. C. Craig (C.) 4,464 Dr.. Keightley (Farmers'......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 921.......