THE APPROACH OF SPRING. (AN EXPERIMENT IN PRAXILLA'S METRE.) [ 5. ri aa euptacur KaADv 413A‘roura, Tav tc€ (PaAa.v, Tic 8' &Epee veppa. Gladsome thy aspect, dear bride, as thy......
" Silas Titus Comberbacke."
(TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR.") SIB,—My chief authority for Coleridge's pseudonym in the Light Dragoons is the late H. D. Train, who in his," Cole- ridge" (p. 10) expressly......
.00 Tee Editor Of The "spectator.") Stit,—i May Be Able
to add a few facts of interest bearing on the subjects mentioned in your article under this title in the Spectator of February 7th. The quotation from an old writer as to the......
Professor Jowett's Theological Writings. - L're The...
"srsczazos.-] SDL,—In your review on "Professor jowett's Theological Writings"- in the Spectator of January 31st you say "We think it comes to every religious mind as a certain......
English Winds.
[ To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 Sr,--As one who was born and brought up at the foot of Cross Fell, may I add to the interesting notice of the - phenomenon of the Helm wind......
The Strenuous Life.
Ass not for ease—ask for the strength_that can Essay and then achieve life's toilsome plan. • Ask not for safety—courage will provide A harbour where no craven thoughts can......
The Birds In Our Wood.
[TO THE EDITOR. OF Tux "SrscrATort.1 SIB,—The pied or water wagtail is certainly "dish-washer," not "ditch-watcher". (Spectator, February 7th). It haunts the neighbourhood of......