14 JULY 1900, Page 2

Friday's Times contains a telegram from Paris which gives what

may turn out to be very serious news in regard to the friction between the French and Moorish troops on the disputed frontier with Morocco, near Figig and Igli, while telegrams from Tangier also show that the Emperor of Morocco and his people are beginning to exhibit great uneasiness as to the French advance. It is also stated that France and Spain have come to an understanding as to the Moorish question. For ourselves, we feel little anxiety as to the problem of Morocco if only our Government will handle it wisely and sympathetic- ally as regards both Spain and Franee. By all means let France advance in the Hinterland of Algiers if she thinks it worth while. We shall, of course, do nothing to hinder her, and what is more, ought to make this fact perfectly clear in Paris. At the same time, we should let Spain understand that if the Shereefian Empire breaks up, we shall support her in her legitimate claims in regard to the territories bordering on the places she already owns on the Northern shore of the Mediterranean.