14 JULY 1900, page 3

We Are 'glad To Learn That Mr. Watts's Scheme For

per- manently recording deeds of heroism in humble life is an accomplished fact. The cloister in the " Postman's Park,' Aldersgate Street, has now been built, and four memorial......

The Foreign Proposals Are Vague, Though Aggressive In...

No American people shall ever be held in unwilling subjec- tion to European authority." If that is meant as a threat to us in regard to Canada, we need feel no concern, as we......

Mr. Prevost Battersby, Writing To The Morning Post Of...

from Germiston, describes a picturesque incident that occurred on the eve of the occupation of that town at the end of May. In the course of an isolated attempt by a. body of......

The Australian Federation Bill Received The Queen's...

and Mr. Barton will take back with him to Australia not merely the statute signed in duplicate by the Queen, but the table, inkstand, and pen at and with which was accomplished......

The Times Of Monday Contains A Critical Summary Of The

"planks" adopted by the Democratic Convention which nomi- nated Mr. Bryan as its candidate for the Presidency. The chief point at which issue is joined with the Republicans is......

Sir Frederic Hodgson's Attempt To Break Out Of Coomassie Has

succeeded, and on July 11th he arrived at Cape Coast Castle. He brought away Lady Hodgson with him, and most of the Europeans, including the missionaries, leaving only two or......

In The House Of Commons On Wednesday The Queen's Garden

Party gave rise to an absurd little scene. The Agricultural Holdings Bill was under discussion, but when Mr. Fletcher Moulton's turn came to propose an amendment standing in his......

The Daily Mail Of Tuesday Publishes A Striking Account Of

the opening of the Cave in Mount Dicta, in Crete, the tradi- tional birthplace of Zeus. After blasting away the limestone blocks which obstructed the mouth of the cave, Mr.......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 98k.......