14 JULY 1900, Page 3

We are 'glad to learn that Mr. Watts's scheme for

per- manently recording deeds of heroism in humble life is an accomplished fact. The cloister in the " Postman's Park,' Aldersgate Street, has now been built, and four memorial tablets have been erected, the inscriptions on two of which are as follows :—" Walter Peart, driver, and Harry Bean, fire- man, of the Windsor express, on July 18th, 1898, whilst being scalded and burnt, sacrificed their lives in saving the train." "Mary Rogers, stewardess of the Stella,' March 30th, 1899, self-sacrificed by giving up her life-belt and voluntarily going down in the sinking ship." The inscriptions may not be notable examples of the lapidary style, but for memorials of this kind a bare record of fact is perhaps the most suitable.