14 JULY 1900, page 2

Of Course This Disagreeable Incident Can Make No Possible...

to the final result of the campaign, but it shows how much more dangerous it is in the case of the Boers to sit still than to act boldly on the offensive. As long as we are......

The Daily Telegraph Of Wednesday States That The Govern-...

have decided to divide the dual office of High Com- missioner of South Africa and Governor of the Cape. The Governorship will be offered to Sir George Goldie, while Sir Alfred......

To Balance Nitral's Nek Lord Roberts Was Able To State

that on Wednesday Smith-Dorrien had a successful engage- ment with the enemy at Krugersdorp and inflicted heavy loss on them, and Buller also reports driving off the Boers who......

The Times Of Monday Contains A Critical Summary Of The

"planks" adopted by the Democratic Convention which nomi- nated Mr. Bryan as its candidate for the Presidency. The chief point at which issue is joined with the Republicans is......

The News From The Seat Of War Is Deeply Disappointing.

To rail it serious would be to exaggerate, but it naturally pro- duces a feeling of intense aggravation to hear at this stage of the war, as we did on Friday morning, that the......

The Latest Return Of Killed, Wounded, And Prisoners...

war makes the killed in action 2,666, and the " died of wounds" 695, while the "died of disease" are 4,535, the wounded 11,576, and the prisoners 1,986. Thus the deaths are in......

The Foolish Desire Of The Russian Government To Preserve An

impenetrable secrecy has, as usual, prOduced a needless distrust of her policy in China. It was actually believed in this country for a moment that she might have instigated the......

The French Chambers Were Prorogued On Tuesday, And The...

Cabinet may, therefore, be considered safe till November. It has been engaged for eighteen months in a silent but continuous contest with the Army, and it has on the whole......

Friday's Times Contains A Telegram From Paris Which Gives...

may turn out to be very serious news in regard to the friction between the French and Moorish troops on the disputed frontier with Morocco, near Figig and Igli, while telegrams......