14 JULY 1900, page 1

News Of The : Week.

T HE note of the week has been bewilderment. Bulletin after bulletin has poured into London with " re- assuring " intelligence from China, has produced an effect even on the......

Every Now And Then An Admiral Or Other European Authority

is taken in, Americans, we notice, being especially liable to be- lieve what is told them. Ournaval second-in-command, Admiral Bruce, for example, telegraphed on July 7th that......

It Is Impossible, In Face Of The Cool D4mentis Now

being published, to be sure of details as to the negotiations with Japan, but we fancy the following will not be found far from the truth. The Admirals asked Japan to send a......

The Foolish Desire Of The Russian Government To Preserve An

impenetrable secrecy has, as usual, prOduced a needless distrust of her policy in China. It was actually believed in this country for a moment that she might have instigated the......

Au This While The Siege Of Tientsin Is Being Fiercely

pressed. The Chinese hold the native city, and on the 5th inst. they attacked the railway station, advancing with great courage under shelter from the fire of eleven pieces of......

The Incidents Of This Siege, Which Are Fairly Well Known,

are evidently alarming the allied Powers. All their con- tingents are being increased. The British are sending 15,000 Sikhs and native troops from Madras and Bombay ; the German......

A.* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
