[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " spEcTATon."1 SIR, May I beg the favour of acknowledging through your columns the many kind subscriptions I have received in aid of the above charity, which, owing to the sympathy and sup- port accorded me by the public, is at length, I trust, really getting into working order P This trying winter has caused the fall of many a small horse-owner, to whom I have been unable, through want of funds, to extend a helping hand in time. Very much hangs on those two last words. One instance alone will -prove the urgent need of that timely help for which I plead. The case in point was that of a. sober, hard-working man, as testified by three householders, the number of witnesses to character I always exact from hirers of my horses. This man had lost both his animals from pulmonary com- plaints consequent on the awful season we have been_ passing through, and having a wife and family to support, was reduced to the verge of actual starvation. Ruin stared him in the face, and nothing remained but to sell his cab to buy bread for his family for the moment, but by so doing to destroy his means of living in the future. He applied to me for aid, and I contrived to raise sufficient funds promptly to• supply him with a horse ; and from the first week he became possessed of the animal, he paid his way and the hire-money in full (10s. a week) at this season, as well as keeping the animal in first-rate condition. I have now five horses at work, but require many more to meet the urgent claims for help that are confronting me on every side. The past severe winter has caused great distress among small horse-owners who, having lost their bread-winners, have not the means to replace them- Ah if my readers could only hear the words of gratitude and watch the light of hope renewed once more creep into the faces of those who, in some cases, have not known for some weeks past where to turn for a meal, I should not plead in vain..
Contributions to the loan stud fund may be sent to the Manager, National Bank, 68 Gloucester Gardens, Bayswater ; or direct to Miss Lindo, 20 Westbourne Park, Bayswater (late of the Home of Rest for Horses), from whom full particulars, can be obtained.
The following donations and subscriptions are gratefully acknowledged;—
£ s. d Miss Helen Taylor (sub.) 10 0 0 Collected by a Friend 1 0 0
PP sl (donation) 20
0 0 Mr. Baker 1 1 0 Miss Burrage 1 0 0 Miss Pope 0 10 0 Colonel Sir Francis Burdett ... 1 0 0 A Lady.Reader 0 10 0 Mr. Martin 1 1 0 Mrs. Boulton 0 10 0 Lady Spencer Clifford 1 0 0 Miss Gordon. 1 0 0` Mr. W. B. Dick 1 0 0 Mrs, Oakes 1.1 0 Miss A. I. Beach 1 1 0 Mrs. Herepath 1 1 0 Miss Ansley 1 0 0 Miss Roden I 0 0 Miss Billoter ............... 0 10
NW Paul
2 0 0 Mr. Carter 1 6 0 Mrs. and Miss Henry ..... ....... 0
10 0,
Mrs. Broadley 1 0 0 Mr. Edward Summon 8 0 0 Mies C. Bray 0 10 0
Mn.Dixon Brown
0 10 0 Mr. Beoching 1 0
Mr. P, Niolvals
1 1 0• Mr. Barber 0 10 0 Messrs. TO= and Matthews 1 1 0 Rev. George Pope 1 0 0
—I am, Sir, &c,,