Lord Carrington, Who Has Just Returned From Governing New...
Wales, made a speech on Wednesday at the City Liberal Club in Walbrook, in which he declared that the federation of the Australasian Colonies would not, in his belief, diminish......
On The Vote For Light Railways There Was More Discussion.
But the hostile comments on Mr. Balfour's statement were very feeble. Objection was made to the bargain with the Midland Great Western line for the construction of the Con-......
A Wesleyan Correspondent Expresses His Great Regret That...
no notice of the centenary of Wesley's death last week, and appears to attribute the omission to a disparaging estimate of that great man's services. Such a conception is quite......
The Manchester City Council Has Taken A Step, Not Perhaps
unadvisable in itself, which will form a decidedly evil precedent. The Ship Canal Company has so far done its. work very well, and will no doubt greatly benefit the trade of the......
Mr. Balfour Moved In Committee Of Supply On Thursday, For
a grant of £55,831 for the relief of distress in Ireland, and made an interesting speech on the measures taken to supply the people of the West Coast with work on the new......
The Bishop Of Durham Delivered An Impressive Address On The
University Extension movement in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House last Saturday. The subject was the indis- pensableness of high ideals to any life worth living. Man, he......
It Has Been At Last Determined That There Is Sufficient
evidence of the death in South Africa of Mr. Kynoch, the late Member for Aston Manor, to justify the issue of a new writ, and the contest between the Unionist candidate, Captain......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent, New Consols (21) Were On
Friday 961 to 96i.......
Mr. Goseben Followed Dr. Westeott With An Appeal For Funds.
He dwelt on the great judgment with which the very moderate subscriptions they had received had been used and expended, so as now to furnish the means by which 13,000 students......