Information, Adventure, And Comic Illustrations. A Good...
superiority over their " von-less" neighbours are a flue of the knowledge that should be given to young people, and of the study. Both of them make one exception to their......
Current Literature.
Twa MINOR Miessairms.—Of the numerous additions which have recently been made to the periodical literature of the , country, none looks more promising than a new quarterly, The......
Porray.—iphigenia In Delphi, With Translations From The...
Garnett. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—Mr. Garnett has °or- something more picturesque than boot-making. Willy caught something of the classical spirit. Indeed, we do not remember to have......
Been Spent On Making Up This Imitation Of A Log-book,
supposed to 1phip ania. —The captive's doom thou doemest enviable. have been written by Christopher Columbus on his fi rst voyage Electra.— 0 were it mine, wore but my brother......
Is A Poet, And His Prose Is Poetical, With Some
of the faults, and Diverse beyond comparison, a twain essayist is always genial, and his pleasant country pictures 7 some also of the merits, of that hybrid form of composition.......
The Last, Particularly As Regards Colonial And Railway...
The extent of the investigations which the preparation of such rphigenia —Rath Mon wrought thee, then, snoh wretched doom? a volume must involve, may be faintly guessed from the......