14 MARCH 1891, page 16

Shire Horses.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " $PECTATOR."] Sin, — I should like to offer a reply to the very depreciatory estimate of the Shire horse which appeared in an article on " The Cart-Horse"......

Books For The Blind.

ITC THE ED/TOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." Sin,—While thanking you for inserting my letter concerning the Lending Library for the Blind, may I be allowed to correct the misprint by......


' SIR BEDIVERE,' OUTWARD BOUND. HE lay upon the deck amid the crowd, Sublime in beauty, more sublime in calm, And gazed upon the scene with tranquil eye. Around him yelped and......

Miss Lindo's Loan Stud For Cabmen And Others.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " spEcTATon."1 SIR, May I beg the favour of acknowledging through your columns the many kind subscriptions I have received in aid of the above charity,......

Piebald Birds.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "sraeTArov..3 SIR,—I am rather late in the field, but it has only just now occurred to me to say that I think there can scarcely be one of your readers who......