[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "sraeTArov..3 SIR,—I am rather late in the field, but it has only just now occurred to me to say that I think there can scarcely be one of your readers who lives in the country but must have noticed on divers occasions a rook, or sparrow, or other noticeable bird, with one or more white feathers in one or both of its wings, or tail, or head, or elsewhere, and that for year after year, without molestation from any one of its companions. These feathers do not die out from any other natural dye, but
remain for year after year. .
I have bad an instance of this only recently in a blackbird which frequented my house for two or three or four years, and though it was only a small white feather on the shoulder of one of its wings, it remained there for that space of time, and even if but a single one, it points the moral" as well as the whole of a white wing or tail would have done.— I am, Sir,