14 MARCH 1925, Page 2

• If, however, an agreement is come to on these

lines, some very interesting questions will be raised.- For if Germany is admitted to a pact of non-aggression it will be necessary to find an unassailable definition of " aggression," so that the impossible function of an " arbitrator of Europe," standing between France and Germany, is not thrust on this country. And we feel that the only possible definition of " aggression " will be found to be that which the League gave in its last Assembly —that that State which refuses arbitration is, ipso facto, the aggressor. But if this definitionis accepted then -much of the-machinery for, arbitration and conciliation which the late lamented Protocol contemplated will have to be set up. In a word, any " security pact " which includes both sides+-the victors and the vanquished in the late War—will have to be in the nature of a Local and limited Protocol.
