14 MARCH 1925, page 28


AN OLD - MAN LOST MR. JOSEPH ANTHONY'S new novel is a plain, delightful novel, with more beauty and freshness than we can hope to suggest. A Hungarian peasant, honoured in his......

Ship Alley. By C. Fox Smith. (methuen. 7s. 6d.) If

only Miss FOx Smith were not so " chatty," so full of bright exclamations ! For she knows the most fascinating and illuminating facts about ships and seamen of the past, and her......

Life In The Occupied Area. By Katharine Tynan....

. ONE is beginning to say " No, people as charming as this don't exist anywhere " when Mrs. Hinkson -tells about two very nasty Germans who . were Prussians and behaved as such......

Two Plays. By Sean O'casey. (macmillan. 78. 6d. Net.) If

The Playboy! of the Western World caused riots in Ireland, we might have expected Mr. Sean O'Casey's plays to sink the whole country under the sea ; for there was never more......