14 MARCH 1925, page 2

It Is Becoming Daily More Apparent That We Are About

to witness a new attempt at a general European settle. ment. The recent and sudden outburst of French intractability over the evacuation of Cologne and the Report on German......

The Belgians Will Probably Be More Favourable Than The...

to the idea of an enlarged pact, as they have no direct understanding. or alliance with Poland such as France has. They long for a guarantee of their present possessions . and......

It Is Understood That The. German Proposals Were For Some

kind of pact between this country, France, Germany, Belgium and Italy to guarantee the Eastern frontiers of France. Germany was, however, not prepared to have her own Easterii......

It Was The German Government Which Took The Initia- Tive

in the new negotiations. Mr. Chamberlain in his statement on Foreign Affairs in the House of Commons on Thursday, the 5th, said that "a few weeks back" he received in the most......

• If, However, An Agreement Is Come To On These

lines, some very interesting questions will be raised. - For if Germany is admitted to a pact of non-aggression it will be necessary to find an unassailable definition of "......

As The Manchester Guardian Points Out, It Is Impossible To

imagine an old-fashioned defensive alliance in which one or more of the potential enemy States is- embraced, and if the arrangement is to be of the new and untried post-War......

On Thursday, March 5th, There Was An Inconvenient...

the House of Commons,, when Mr. J. F. Hope, Chairman of Committees, named Mr. Kirkwood . for unruly conduct. Mr. Austen Chamberlain was approach- ing - the More serious- part of......