14 MARCH 1925, page 16

Racialism In South Africa

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, – In confirmation of what is written on this subject in the Spectator of February 28th, I would like to quote the followinf_r froni a......

"all-in" Insurance

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—It has always struck me since I saw the proposals that a scheme of " All-In " Insurance, such as propounded by Mr. Broad, would be of the......

Sport And Cruelty

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR:] S1a,- 7. ;Yonr Correspondent, Sir Frederick. Des Voeux,,says that the ethics of sport are diffidult to ; discuss. No doubt, those who defend......

A Dead Racing Pigeon

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The racing pigeon found dead by the writer of " Feb- ruary on the Thames " in your issue of February 28th, if found—as the context......

[to The Editor Of 'the Spect.1tor.] Sni,—as Stated In Your

issue of February 21st, severe out- breaks of beri-beri (poly-neuritis) arc confined to rice-eating countries, particularly to naval and military barracks, prisons, and the......