A Bunch of Berries and the Diversions Thereof. By Leader Scott. (Griffith, Ferran, and Co.)—This is a most delightful Christmas book, and will, we feel sure, alike charm boys, girls, and "old folks" of young hearts. For ourselves, at least, the critic has been transformed into the enchanted reader. We have nothing but praise, except that the quality of two or three out of the four full-page illustrations is not up to the general excellence of the banquet. Readers will be grateful to us for introducing them to so rare and delicious a Christmas treat. We leave the happy author to introduce himself and his "berries" in his own preface. As the book must be read, it is only out of consideration for its readers that we restrain our- selves from giving them a foretaste of what is in store for them. We cannot help ourselves, however, from referring to snob stories as "A Dredfnl Ogur," by a little trot, aged six, and "The Doll and the Flowers," by another, aged three and a half. For adventures we may refer to Part IL, chap. ii. The book concludes with a "Fairy Play for Children, in Three Acts," and the hope that "the meetings may be resumed at a future time under different auspices,"—a hope we cannot share in, as we could har3ly be other than losers by any change.