Lord Selborne, Who Signed Lord Grey's Protest Against Us-...
who, it will be remembered, opposed PO reso- lutely the disestablishment even of the Irish Church that he held aloof from Mr. Gladstone in 1867—has written a letter in which he......
On Tuesday This Trial Came On, And Was Quickly Concluded.
Mr. Stead, Mr. Jacques, and Rebecca Jarrett were found guilty of aiding and abetting, and Madame Mourey was found guilty of committing an indecent assault. After the verdict,......
On Saturday, Mr. Justice Lopes Summed Up The Evidence In
the ease of the abduction of Eliza Armstrong, pointing oat very forcibly the flagrant contradictions in Jarrett's evidence, and the absolute inconsistency of that evidence with......
Nothing Whatever Has Occurred In The Balkans This Week. The
Powers are waiting for the Conference, and the Conference is waiting for the British Elections.......
Dr. Carpenter, The Eminent Author Of" Human Physiology,"...
a work which, if not intrinsically greater, is at least much more fascinating to unprofessional readers, the book on "Mental Physiology," died very unexpectedly on Tuesday......
Mr. Parnell Made A Remarkable Speech At Liverpool On...
After remarking that he had sent away Mr. Justin McCarthy, whom the Irish in Liverpool wished to have, to fight the city of Derry, and recommending Mr. T. P. O'Connor, he......
Lord Salisbury, While Speaking With Doubt Of The Possi-...
of suppressing Irish boycotting, pledged himself, if the law did not suffice, to ask Parliament to extend it ; but he made one unfortunate mistake. He, without the slightest......
The French Chamber Met On Wednesday, And The First Day's
proceedings were not encouraging. M. Floquet, indeed, was elected President by 392 votes to 18, a splendid majority, and M. Anatole ele la Forge by a sufficient number ; but the......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday Loci
to ma.......