Cassandra's Casket. By Emma Marshall. (nisbet And...
title is not particularly appropriate to this tale of the development of a girl's character, in which the "casket" does not play any very special part. The sentiments are, of......
Paul Sterne. By Cecily Powell. (j. And R. Maxwell.)—this Is
another love-story, based on an unhappy and unlawful attachment, which leaves the heroine victorious, but forlorn. The tale opens very wordily, and with a copious interlarding......
Through A Refiner's Fire : A Tale, By Eleanor Holmes.
(Griffith, Ferran, and Co.)—This is a love-story of rather ordinary plot, and the probabilities are not a little strained, particularly in the case of the gentleman, "good sort"......
Grace Murray : A Story. By Ella Stone. (nisbet And
Co.)—Six pretty full-page illustrations accompany. It is a very beautiful tale, powerfully conceived, and powerfully and gracefully told through its two hundred short pages. The......
Current Literature.
GIFT BOOBS. A Bunch of Berries and the Diversions Thereof. By Leader Scott. (Griffith, Ferran, and Co.)—This is a most delightful Christmas book, and will, we feel sure, alike......
The King's Windows ; Or, Glimpses Of The Wonderful Works
of God. By Rev. E. Paxton Hood. With 41 illustrations. (R.T.S.)—This book, which is well got up and well illustrated, is a reprint of papers which appeared originally in the......
Silver Mill : A Tale Of The Don Valley. By
Mrs. R. H. Read. (Blackie and Son.)—Mrs. Read is already favourably known by her tales ; this one needs no introduction, and can very well afford to stand on its own merits, as......
What's His Offence ?*
IF there be such a thing as a passion for criticism, and we think there is, its edge is wont to be dulled by artistic work which demands a great preponderance of either......