The Church Defence Movement. [to The Editor Of The...
SIR,—You have on previous occasions done me the favour to insert some remarks of mine in reference to articles in the Spectator, and I would once more crave a hearing, in reply......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator." I 'si,—in Your
issue of October 31st, Mr. Gill suggests that the conduct of the controversy about Disestablishment should be left to the laity, the Clergy retiring, like a Judge from the......
[to The Editjh Of The " Spectatoh."1
"S111, — If you have not already done so, will you for a moment think if it won!! be worth while to draw the attention of Non- conformists to the fact that equality of......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."1
Sat,—The Spectator is so widely read and so much respected among the Liberals of Scotland, that we are deeply pained when we think we receive any injustice at its hands. Many of......