The second number of the Holyrood Annual (Gardner), which is
not one of the usual Christmas productions, though it has some features in common with them, is a remarkably substantial shilling's. worth. The four stories it presents contain between them as mach letterpress as is represented by a three-volume novel. Two, besides, are much above the average,—" Jacob Spragg's Adventure," the sprightly story of the comic and hapless love-adventure of a small London haberdasher; and " Sakedos," which is a really powerful and well- sustained narrative of the discovery of a murder committed by a clever though scoundrelly Greek. There is much good sense, stated in clear plain English, in a paper bearing the encouraging title of "How to do without the Doctor." There is perhaps asuperabundance of verse in this number of the Holyrood Annual, but not a little of it is much above the average. The editor of this little volume, which is notable as being the chief of not the only annual of the kind published in Scotland, does her work so well that she may be recommended next year to add a few illustrations to her letterpress.