The Revenue accounts, made up to the 10th instant, exhibit
a large diminution of receipts on the year and the quarter, as com- pared with the corresponding periods of last year. On the year, the defalcation is 2,097,295!.; on the quarter, 1,187,7621.; and this decrease, we understand, would have been greater had not a consi- derable suni been unexpectedly received in payment of duty on corn taken out of bond. The heavy decrease is partly attributed to the tad state of trade, partly to the fact that the receipts of the October quarter of last sear were swelled by the payment of a large amount of duties on Bohea tea, taken out of the Govern- ment warehouses to avoid a-higher rate of duty. We du not recollect that this circumstance was stated at the time in explanatioo of the increase appearing on the face of the ac- couut. Every branch of the revenue has suffered, but that of
[LATEST EDITION. the Post-office, on which, owing to the temporary suspension of franking, there is an increase of 19,006/. The Customs show a diminution or 1,793,973/. on the year, and 917,661/. on the quarter; the Excise, 280,935/. on the year, and 156,562/. on the quarter.