At A Dinner Given To The Chairman Of The Guardians
of the Poor iit the Auckland Union, Sir JohnWalsham, the Assistant Commissioner, stated some particulars respecting the working of the Poor-law in the North of England- " I......
The Gazette of Tuesday announces the reappointment of the fol- lowingnoblemen and gentlemen to be" Lieutenants and Sheriff's Prin- cipal of shires and stewartries, in Scotland."......
A County Meeting Was Held Some Time Ego At Enniskillen
to address the Queen and the Queen Doss-tiger; and it was unanimously agreed that no Whig should he honoured by presenting either of the addresses. To the Duke of Wellington,......
A Very Disagree :isle Denottemeot, Which Took Place This...
in a Southern county not far from Dublin, affords the lovers of 'scandal abundant food for talk, and will give the gentlemen of the long robe employment during the next term.......
There is a rumour in Dublin that Lord Plunket has refused to madly the Irish Magistracy of Orangemen to the extent required by Lord Mulgrave and Lord Morpeth, and that the......
The Northern Whig Of Belfast Says That Orangeism Still...
in Ireland, and that the cunning professors of the Orange faith "diddled" the Government—: " They saw that the storm Was upon them ; and they judged it safest to play the part......
The Bristol Radicals Are An Incorrigible Set. A Few Years
since they tried their hands at burning on a large scale, for which a few of them were hanged; but with smell advantage to the morals and man- ners of the survivors, as would......