14 OCTOBER 1837, Page 5


There is a rumour in Dublin that Lord Plunket has refused to madly the Irish Magistracy of Orangemen to the extent required by Lord Mulgrave and Lord Morpeth, and that the consequeoce will be his resignation or dismissal; in which event, Baron Richards will he made Lord Chancellor, and Attorney- General Wolfe a Baron of the Exche- quer. This arrangement would create a vacancy in Cashel, which Mr. Ewan would probably be culled upon to fill up. Such is the gossip in It is said that a son of Lord Plunket, who has now the Chairman- ship of Meath, will have the Mastership in Chancery, about to be va- cated by Mr. Gould. The Chairmanship is worth 8001., the Master- 'hie 3.0001. per annum.