The Result Of The Registration Is Most Satisfactory To The
Reformers of Hereford. The gain on the Liberal side is much greater than the majority which beat Mr. Biddulph at the late election. Would that the battle was to fight over again......
At A Dinner Given To The Chairman Of The Guardians
of the Poor iit the Auckland Union, Sir JohnWalsham, the Assistant Commissioner, stated some particulars respecting the working of the Poor-law in the North of England- " I......
Elie Cowan%
The reelection of Lord Morpeth and Sir George Strickland for the West Hiding of Yorkshire was celebrated, on Friday last, at a public dinner by the Liberals of Doncaster and the......
At Chester, On Tuesday, There Was A Grand Tory Dinner
given by the South Cheshire Conservative Association to Sir Philip Egerton ; Lord De Tebley in the chair. The speeches, with one exception, were beneath notice; but the Reverend......