14 OCTOBER 1837, page 13

Condition And Prospects Of The Negroes In The United States.

THE remarks in last Spectator on " White and Black in the United States," have attracted the attention of Miss MARTINEAU ; who has favoured us with an interesting communication......

Practical Measures .

No. II. CONCLUDED. PENSIONS. OUR last week's investigation, as a whole, of pensioning in practice, proved that, in a personal expenditure of fourteen millions of money, eight......

What ;has Been Done For Ireland?

TO TIIE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Dublim 9th October 1537. Sot—The Examiner wishes the Irish journalists upouthe Liberal sole toengage in the labour of giving detailed accounts......

Misistearat Loolc.---every Unprejudiced Radical Must Now...

the Ministers, cannot directly strengthen their position, %.rsend up by more commanding majorities to the House of Lords, the measures they desire to carry. He cannot,......