A county meeting was held some time ego at Enniskillen
to address the Queen and the Queen Doss-tiger; and it was unanimously agreed that no Whig should he honoured by presenting either of the addresses. To the Duke of Wellington, therefore, both the precious documents Were forwarded, as the chosen Prime Minister uf the authors, whom alone they would condescend to employ ns their medium of COMMUlii- cation with the Throne. The Duke, however, appears to have set no value upon the honour conferred upon him, for he forthwith bundles off the addresses, one to Lord John Russell and the other to Lord Howe, to be forwarded to their respective destinations ; and having received their acknowledgments in due course, he thus coldly anti curtly per- forms the requisite civility to his purple friends in the North-
- Loudon. 7th September li137. " Sir—I enclose the answer which I have received from the Secretary of State to the address which I transmitted to his Lordship, and to be presented
to the Queen, from the noblemen, gentleinen, clergy, freeholders, :sad other inhabitants of the county of Fermanagh. " I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient humble servant, " WELLINGTON.
" To the High Sheriff of the county of Fermanagh." The answer from the Queen Dowager is returned in a note winch is a fac-simile to the above.