14 OCTOBER 1837, Page 10


Customs Eloise Stamps Taxes Post-office Miscellaneous Years ended 1836. Out. 10th I 1037. i Increase. Decrease.

20,166,917 12,283,173 6.796.439 3,670.474 1,4.1;,neu

52,533 18372,914 12,04.17,233 6,461,292

3,6143.3.t0r 2i.f.133

1.490,743 4,743 44,635 1,793.973 280,935 335,157 . • • . 7.893 Total Ordinary Revenue 44,460,909 42,0714222

Imprest and other Monies. in- cluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Piddle works 524,124 817,416 293,292

Total Income, 44,984,933 42,887633 ; 3:-0,669 2,417.263

Deduct Increase 320.669

Decrease on the 'car • 2,097,295

Quarter; ended Oct. 10111 : 1837.



Customs 6,313.777 5.436,116

917.661 Excise 3,862,029 3,703,467


Stamps 1,744.741 1622,252

122.483 Taxes 334 887 300,092 Post-office 399,000 418,006

6,o e s

26,795 Miscellaneous , 6,240 2,701

3,539 Tot n 1 Ordinary Revenue 12,700,674 11,492 634

Imprest and other Monies, in- chiding Repayments of Ad-1

• ances for Public Works

I 180.253 200,531 20,278

/Total Income... .1 12,980,927 I 11,693.163

39,284 1,227,046

Deduct Increase


Decree se on t lie Quarter .


Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters

: . ended 10th Oct. 1836 and 1837.


Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post ;office Miscellaneous Tontine Money.

To Cash bniught to this Ar,,,,,bt to rpr1:1: .0 like Sum issued, or to b4! issued out the c•.d. Fund ib Ireland for Supply and otl. .. r .......... To Cash brought to this A, •




Permanent Debt Terminable Annual,

Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet t '. tr4e on lb Consolidated Fund

Sinkitm Fund. Civil List

Other Charges on the Con,olidute 1 Fowl,

Government Services. foometIc out r.: •

or the Hereditary Revenues of th ('town

rown Total Charge.

Surplus Exchequer Bills 1f1611P11 to mt•et the Clian.te on the Consoli;

dated Fond for the Quarter ended J and paid MT out jut the growing produce of that Fund fur II,.' Quarter ended Oct. 10, 1t,37, after deducting:if/0,00W. paid orr from Sinking Amount issued in the Quarter ended 10th Oct. 1-37, in part ot the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidatts1 F 1, for Supply SelViCPS The Surplus or the Consolidated Fund, Quarter endisl 1011 Oct. l.37 The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills reimired to meet the charge on the Consolithrted Fund. Quarter ended 10th

Oct. 1837 Quarters ended Oct. 10.

1836. ; 1837.

--- i-----*-- X ; A:

5.013.416 , 3,931,091 3861.029 i 3,705,467 1.744.741 ; 1,1,22.352 334 "i-7 303,t 92 399,000 41.,006 21,494 . 203,232 11,330,567 641,44



220,545 ended

:;,,44:8676 Oct. 10 .


3,403.530 1.332,118 12.564 419,0111


252,877 5643,590 6,3;81,4n 3,109.80 : 1,38605


302381 53,006 339.691 -- 5.520,061


10.400,676 12,025,015 -


4,893,615 6,977,779 1.903,143 -- • 4,969,636


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 10th Oct. 1836 and 10th Oct. 1837; showing the Increase or Decrease on each head thereof.