14 OCTOBER 1837, Page 6


The Earl of Uxbridge is to be appointed Lord of the Bedchamber to her Majesty, in the place of the late Lord Teinplemore.—Courier.

It is said that the Duke of Roxburgh is to move the address in the souse of Peers.

Letters from Bombay speak of the indisposition of the Governor- General, Lord Auckland, as so serious, that it was thought his Lord- ship would be obliged to return to England.

Sir Robert Peel arrived in London on Friday, and has left town for .Antwerp. The Right Honourable Baronet is in perfect health.— John Bull. [This paragraph has been copied into all the papers, but we fear it contains a misrepresentation of Sir Robert Peel's state of health. We happened to see the Baronet on Saturday, walking in the Strand. He seemed to move with difficulty, leaning on a thick walk mg-stick ; and his face was so emaciated that we scarcely recog- nized him.] We very much regret that the ill health of Sir William Follett has rendered a change of climate absolutely necessary. The learned gentleman left England for the Mediterranean a few days since.—


Sir Henry Purnell is on a visit to the Marquis of Drogheda, Moore Abbey, Kildare.

The establishment of the Dutchess of Kent, at Kensington Palace, Las been diminished to a housekeeper, and two or three domestics ; her Royal Highness's househould being merged, for the present, in that of her Majesty.