The Gazette of Tuesday announces the reappointment of the fol- lowingnoblemen and gentlemen to be" Lieutenants and Sheriff's Prin- cipal of shires and stewartries, in Scotland." It will be seen that Whigs and Tories are reappointed indiscrimirtately- Aherdeen—Williatn George Earl of Erroll, K. T. Ayr—George Earl of Glasgow. Arev11— Geerge William Duke of Argyll. Feritif— James 'Earl of Fife, K. T.
Berwick—Alvxauder Earl of Home.
Bute—John Marquis of Bute. Caithness—Alexander Earl of Clackmannan—Williain Earl of M .nstield, K. T. Cromarty—Roderick Macleod, Fat. Dumbarton—Sir James Colipthoort, Bart, Dumfries—Charles Mat quis of Queensberry, K T. 31id Lothian—Walter Francis Duke of IltiCeleueb, K. G. Elgin—Fr aticis Earl of Meray, NT. Ftfe—Robett Ferguson, Esq. Forfar—David Ewa of Airlie.
lIaddington—George Marquis of Tee-Md.:1e, K. T. Ieverness— l'he lion. Fraiwis Wm. Grant.
Kincardine—John, Viscount Arbut ft nut.
Kinross—Itight Hon, William Adam. Kireteiht ight—Ilaudolph Earl of (;:i!!owdS". Lanark—A!rxander Duke of Hamilton, K. G. Linlithgow—John Earl of Hopetoun. N:tirn—Williatn Brodie, E.g. Orkney and Zetland—Laurence Lord Dundas. Peebles—Ft:mein Earl of Wemps. Perth—Themas Robert Earl of Kinnoul.
Renfrew—Archihald Campbell, Esq. Ross—Sir James Wernyss :Mackenzie, Bart. Roxburgh—John William Robert Marquis of Lothian. Selkirk—Henry James Lord Montagu. Stirling—George Lord Abercromby. Sutherland—George Granville Duke of Sutherland. Wigton—Randolph Earl of Galloway.
The Appeal Sheriffs of Stirlingsbire terminated their protracted and laborious sittings on Saturday, night ; and now, that the best and worst are known, we rejoice to say most favourably for the Liberal cause. We do not allude to the new claims, on which (thanks to their active and unscrupulous conveyancing) the Tories possess a small majority; but to the state of the old constituency, so far as that may affect the approaching Parliamentary inquiry. Of those who, at the last election, voted for Colonel Abercromby, two have been struck off the roll; though it is confidently believed by the legal advisers of the party, that one, or perhaps both, may yet be sustained by a Committee. On the other hand, five of those who voted for Mr. Forbes have shared the same fate. Taking matters as they stand,—two of Colonel Aber- eromby's votes and five of those for Mr. Forbes having been thus proved to have been bad,—tbere is a balance of three in favour of the former ; while, if we add to this the double vote of the immortal and immaculate Peter, and the misplaced miscounted vote of Mr. Bow, Colonel Abercromby will go into Committee with a clear majority of firm in his favour ; a start which it is highly improbable the most un- stinted use of cash or cunning will be able to make good in behalf of his distanced competitor. Such being the case, each Member of the Liberal party ought instantly to be on the alert, as nothing is now required beyond activity and the command of a good deal gf money to oust Mr. Forbes from a position which, bad the Liberals been true, firm, and united, he never could have occupicd.—.9colsman. [This is close work. Activity and a "good deal of money' will be required to oust Mr. Forbes; and it seems to be admitted that the result of the regis- tration, affecting a new election, is favourable to the Tories.'