14 OCTOBER 1837, Page 7


On the 5th inst., at Clonbrock, the Lady CLOSIRROCK, of a danghter.

On the 10th inst., at the Ilaguc, Lady Mater. of a son. On the 3d inst., at Be ileigh, Salterton, Devon. the Lady of Faateets Haterwitx, IlExshowst. Esq., of a son.

On the 11111 inst., iii Ii 1 Stied, Berkeley Square, the Baroness or CETTO, or a SOIS. On the 7th inst., at Suuning, tial, the Lady of Captain G tones Rowtoor, of a danghter. On the 1st inst., in Dublin, the Lady of 'rifest as Riau: Ksox, Esq.. of • top and heir.

()II the 2.1 inst., at Nyon, in Switzerland, of a daughter, the Lady of HENRY BAYNES WARD, Esq. On the 5111 inst., at Fincham Rectory, Mrs. ARTHUR Lorrus. of a daughter. The lion. Mrs. GRAV. Wife a the Res. II. Gray, of Almundsbury, of a :laughter. On the 9th inst., at Whitt:bur:M. Haute, the Wife of the Rev. R. DURANT BUTTZMLIN,

of a daughter. MARRIAGES.

On the 1 1th inst., at St. Matthew's, Brixton, by the Rev. Mr. Prodgers, Mr. Estrum:: COWPeR, youngest son of the late Edward Con per, Esq.. of Enfield, to HARRIUTJami, tittlt daughter of the late William Harrison, Esq., of Leytonstone. On the 7th inst., at Clitton, the Rev. FREDERICK MAURICE. Chaplain of Guy's Hospital, to ANNA, oungest daughter of the late Lieut.-Geueral Charles Barton, of the Second Life Guards.

On the 26th ult., at Oxf9rd, the Iles. CHARLES HEWETT, third son of the Right Hoe. General Sir George Hewett. Bart.. G.C.B., of Freemautle. Haute, to FRANCES SOPHIA, fourth daughter of the late Charles William Cater, Kral.. of Guildford Street, London. At Wootton, Kent. PuNSONRY PEACOCKS, Esq.. of the 25th Regt., to Wax:A.A, daughter of Sir John Br; ages, of Wootton Court. Kent. Ott the 3d inst., at Navan Church, dontr Tisnmo., Esq , of Charleston, county Meath, to ISABELLA, only daughter of the late Right Hon George Knox. Ott the 7th inst., at St. George's Church, Hanover Square. London, and subse- quently. at the Bavarian Chapel, Warwick Street. PIERRIL EDMOND Ourzirmx. Esq., Avocat at the Cone Royale of Pvis. to JULIA HAMILTON, eldest daughter of A. B. Granville, M.D.. Grafton street. Berkeley Square. On the 5th inst. at Hampton. and afterwards at Rockland, according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church, J. J. NI:ousts, Esq.. of Coblentz, to Sesansu RICA, eldest daughter of Eredelick Whitaker, Esq.. of Hampton, Oxon. On the 3d inst.. at Daglesford, the Rev. THOMAS W/NTER to Mamma CHAISUSICT. niece of the late Mrs. Hastings, of Daglesford House, Worcestershire.


On the 8th inst., the Dowager notches, of Leans, in her 75th year. On the 12th inst., at lieutun's Hotel, the Right Hun. Lord GLENLEON, in his 55th year. On the 7th inst., at Tonbridge Wells, the lion. JANL SMITH, daughter of the Right Hon. Loni Carrington.

On the 6th inst., from an affectiou of the heart, J. Touctut, Esq., of Bream house, near Manchester, in his 64111 year.

On the lilt, ult., at Gateshaw, in Roxhinghshire„ in his 84th year, Sir CHARLES Kra. of Gateshaw, Principal Director.Generati of the Medical Department of the British Army, and a Deputy Lieuteuant of the county of Roxburgh. On the 4th inst., at Glasgow. of typhus fever, in his 29th year, Mr. JOkIN Weal.* Rector of the Glasgow Normal Institution, and sou of the late Rey. Dr. M'Crie, Edin- burgh. On the 3.1 inst., at his holm. Drumsheugh, Sir PATRICK Wataza, Heritable Chief Usher of the White Rod for Scotland.

On the 14th of March last, at Glenelg, South Australia, Ilaitautr, Wife of Robert Gouger. Esq., Secretary to the Colony; and ou the 16th of the same month, HISIRW HiNumesslt, their infant son.

At Stelibing Park, Essex, Captain J. Sum:, R.N. in his 70th year.

In Charlotte Street. Beilthni Square, Mrs. LANOTON,relict of Thomas Langton, Esq. late of Latwyche Hall, Salop, in her 84111 year. On the 8th inst., at Muudeu House, near NVatford, Herta, GEOROZ IIIBBTAT. his 81st sear. At Thorp Arch, York, in her 90th year. ELIZABETU. relict of Captain Vincent. On the 21st ult., at Edinburgh. Signora ROSIJNOLI, in her 91st year.

Captain G. Ilsvaste, of Cambridge Row, Hackney, in his 84th year.

At Greenhill, county Limerick, MORGAN MULLINS, tit:II:late worker, in his 114th year. lie dined on the day of his death as usual, and retained his mental faculties to the last.

At tialston, in her 93d sear, JEAN GaMbitt., relict of Adam Med. She had 8 children, 5:4 grandchildren, 32 great grandchildren, and 2 gicat.great-grandcbildren. She re. Uinta), Iter faculties to the last.

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