14 OCTOBER 1837, Page 8


groCK ETCHANIg. FRIDAY illiT3RNOOM The return of the quarter's retenue published ot. Wedueohy, in which a deficiency of upwards of 1,200,0001. was declared, prodeced a eepression of ith per cent, in the price of Consols; and the price for Account. which had been 92A j, fell to In the course of yesterday, the niat'act !...k a decided turn ; and, in consequence of some exteosive purchases, a risa ia 4 per cent. occurred. These operations are understood to have been induced by tha increase which has recently taken place in the stick of bullion held by the Bank of England, which has been increased by the recent importations Cr, noire than 7,000,0001. Accounts were yesterday received from New York to the 25th September; and they are of a more favourable character than the last adviees. Money has been during the last few days in very great demand ; but, with the issue of the Dividends, has again Lecoule Ventifill. All r'esaiptions of Stock, the books of which have been closed preparatory to the ; ayruent of the Divi- dends, are now open for private transfer. in the Foreign Market, there has been rativo more business transacted than usual. Sales of Dutch and Northern Continental Ifend.., and some large st.'es of Danish Stock on foreign account, have occurred ; but as our buyers readily took all that Was Offered, at the market price, these operatioos have not lid to any material fluctuation, in the Bonds. 'file Greek Bonds of the Freoeh and ltu,siau GitaranteeF, have also been in demand at prices front flfri to 100; but we cannot (pude any trittkiaetions ia the English portion of the loan. Portnglie-e 119nds hove not eAperieneed much fluetri iot ; an4l Mil; We doubt not rem tin steady until mum:thing is ki.own as to the tnean, lei which titC Lisbon Government will provide for the payment of the next dividend. Nego- tiations with certaiu capitalists conuectell with Portugal are toid.a.tood to have already commenced, for the purpose of raking the otaaey ; lvi obit...ugh titer e is trot the least doubt of the &position of the Governateut to :is.J every exertion to meet the demands upon it, the general Opinion seems to be that the difficulties attendant upon raising the requisite sum, 2.00,0001., Will in the present state of Peninsular credit he found to be insuperable. Spanish Stock has real Weed nearly steady, fluctuating betweeu 20h and 20,1; and the transactions in it have been limited. A mote favourable opinion of Spanish affairs seems to be gaining ground ; but the speculative part of the public have bee =. so severely punished for their attachment to Spanish Stuck, that they are very chary of touching it ; and the altemil appearance of things in Spain has not given any increased value to this commodity. Don CA MA'S still receives considerable stuns of money front the Northern powers, which are remitted him through London in gold to a banker at Bayonne, from whom it is received by a Carlist agent. 10,0001. was sent in thi-, manner about a fort- night ago ; and remittance* to that amount and in specie are frequent. -The South American Stocks have been steady, withiu a little of our last quotations, with scarcely any thing doing.

The Railway Shares are heavy, with very little business.

SATeRD•Y, Twr.:.Yr

The Consol Market is firm this morning, at an implovement of h per cent. —the price for ;Wiley being 92a and for Account 92:; 9:3. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same as yesterday. The Columbian Bonds are rather higher, viz. 26i to 27; the other South American Securi. ties are at the following prices—Buenos Ayree 21 to 23, Chili 01 to 32, Alexi.. can Six per Cents. 29 to Peruvian 21 to 22.

SATURDAY, PoUR 0' CLogy„ Very little business has been transacted during the afternoon, and prices generally are the same as in the morning.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto fur Account

3 per Ceut. Reduced New 34 per Cent. Anne Bank Stuck India Stuck Ditto Bonds Exchequer Bills . Belgian Spas Cants.

921 t 92i. 93 914 I 10011 i — — 52 54 50 52 1034

Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish Dutch 24 per Cents

Portuguese Regency 5 p.Ots

Ditto 3 per Cent. .... Russian (1S22) 5 per Cent Spanish (1415; 5 per Cent Deferred Stuck Passive Ditto 714 2 f13I Se 534 ass 94 254 g 1094110 204 4 64 i 44 f