15 APRIL 1905, Page 13

letter which you printed in your last week's issue ?

The in- correct returns are as follows :—


Strength Volunteered Went with Went with

Corps. on for South Vol. Service other

Nov. lst. 1899. Africa. Company. Corps.

8rd V.B. Royal Welsh Fusiliers 2370 276 ... 93 Bed V.B. the West Riding} 2370 652 276 ... 93


6th V.B. Manchester R04. ... 6167 2557 446 206

1st V.B. Middlesex. Regt. 712 510

These should be :—

The 3 Vol. Battalions of the ) 10 ... 1263 296 83 Royal Welsh Fusiliers... 5 The 3 Vol. Battalions of the 2370 ... 652 276 93

West Riding Regt.

The 6 Vol. Battalions of the } 6167 ... 2557 446 206

Manchester Regt. 1st V.B. Middlesex Rest 712 ... 510 ... 80 ... 248

It will be observed that the correct figures as regards the Welsh Fusiliers Brigade are much more creditable to the patriotism of the men of that brigade than those which were by error given ; also that the returns are now complete for the 1st V.B. Middlesex Regiment. In addition, the figures which referred to a whole brigade were, as now appears, in three instances given as the figures for one battalion only I may add that the returns for the remaining corps are still coming in. When they are complete, I shall ask you to be kind enough to allow me to give the summary figures for the whole Volunteer Force. In addition, I will have a full tabu- lated statement prepared privately, one copy of which I propose to forward to the Secretary of State for War. I shall also be delighted to supply a copy to any Volunteer officer who may desire to possess one.—I am, Sir, &C.,