[To THE EDITOR OR TOR "SPECTATOR "] SIR, — Noticing an extremely interesting letter in the Spectator of January 28th, I would beg to give you an account of bird-kindness......
Poe Try.
THE VOICE VOICE OF THE GWRYD. [It Is through the valley of the Gwryd (pronounced "Gooryd ") that the new Snowdouiau Railway is to run.] , O FOR the voice of the Gwryd, Rippling......
Animal "passive Resisters."
[To TILE EDITOR OP TIM "SPECTATOR "] SIR, — In reference to your article in the Spectator of March 25th, the following instance of an animal "passive resister " may be of......
THE EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE.* SIR CHARLES ELIOT has found a good use for his leisure since his retirement, for out of the fulness of his knowledge he has written one of the......
Cheap Cottages Exhibition Fund.
THE amount of subscriptions and fees received up to April 13th for the Cheap Cottages Exhibition is £1,108, besides £420 promised to the Prize Fund, making a total of £1,628.......
[to Tun Editor Op Tits "spectator."] Sir, — Do Wood-lice...
(see Spectator for March 25th) ? Miss Pbcebe Allen, the well-known author of " Garden Pests," Kays " No." " Pill-millipedes " as they are popularly called, Glomeridae as known......