15 APRIL 1905, page 13

Letters To The Editor.

THE EXCAVATIONS IN THE FORUM AND LATIN CIVILISATION. [To THE EDITOR Or TER "SPECTATOR. "] Sit,—On returning to the Forum I cannot but speak of what I had occasion to observe......

Sir,—in Your Issue Of April 8th In A Letter On

the above your correspondent ignores the fact that every officer and man in my brigade (three batteries) volunteered for service in or out of the country, and actually served......

For What Purpose Do The Volunteers Exist ?

[TO rims EDITOR UP THE "SPECTATOR"] SIB, —May I be allowed to add a mite of experience of an original Volunteer in a good City regiment? At that time there were two schools......

Unionist Free-traders.

[TO THE EDITOR or TRIO "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Is it not a little difficult to ask for Liberal votes for Unionist Free-traders, if we put party interests in the front of the......

Sib.,—i Have Been Very Much Interested In The Letters Of

" Volunteer Field Officer," especially that in your issue of April 8th giving the numbers of Volunteers who patriotically offered their services hi South Africa in 1900. I have......

Letter Which You Printed In Your Last Week's Issue ?

The in- correct returns are as follows :— I. III. IT. Strength Volunteered Went with Went with Corps. on for South Vol. Service other Nov. lst. 1899. Africa. Company. Corps. 8rd......