[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,—When reading the interesting and able article in the Spectator of April 1st on this subject, I notice with surprise that no allusion is made in it to the fact that a Public Trustee has been appointed in Ireland to act in connection with the provisions of the Irish Land Act, 1903. Sir Howard Vincent's Bill, at present before the House of Commons, appears to me to ignore Ireland. It is to be hoped, in the interests of Irishmen, that if so useful an official as that of Estate and Public Trustee is created for England and Scotland by Act of Parliament, the benefits of the Act will be extended to Ireland, especially when it is borne in mind that a Public Trustee already exists whose sphere of action might easily be extended to embrace the duties which it is proposed by the present Bill to impose on the Public Trustee and Executor for England. The vendors of land in this country whose purchase-money is now available for investment are already beginning to avail themselves of the assistance of the Public Trustee, and it may fairly be argued from this that the public generally would gladly avail them- selves of his extended powers if the above suggestion were incorporated in the proposed Act.—I am, Sir, &e.,