Mr. Frederick Greenwood, the founder and first editor of the
Pall Mall Gazette and St. James's Gazette, was entertained at a complimentary banquet at the Trocadero on Saturday last. Mr. Morley, who presided over a remarkable gathering represent- ing all shades of political opinion and schools of journalism, and including many distinguished men of letters, paid an eloquent tribute to Mr. Greenwood's great qualities as publicist, editor, and critic,—his fearless honesty, his dis• interestedness, his generous encouragement of literary aspirants. In particular, he alluded to the intrepidity and promptitude of his action in securing the purchase of the Suez Canal shares ; and Mr. Greenwood in his reply told at full length and with much humour the story of that historic transaction, concerning which we may note that Mr. Greenwood's " patriotic forethought "—to quote the phrase used by Mr. George Meredith in a letter read during the evening—was only equalled by his self-abnegation in refusing any recognition of his services.