We dwelt a few weeks ago on the splendid restraint
and self-control with which the Colonies had declined Mr. Cham- berlain's lures to hustle and harry the Mother-country into believing that they would regard a refusal to alter her Fiscal policy as an unfriendly act. We pointed out how, in spite of
temptation heaped on temptation, they have steadily repudiated the preposterous assertion," No preference, no Empire." The latest confirmation of our view is to be found in an article in the Toronto Globe, the essential portion of which wag telegraphed to Friday's Daily Chronicle. The Toronto Globe is justly indignant at Mr. Chamberlain's rash and unfounded suggestion, made in his speech at the Liberal Union Club, that if Canada were not bribed to remain loyal by a change in our Fiscal policy, she would join the United States.