[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " 8pm-won:]
Slir,—Relative to your fine article in the last issue of the Spectator under the above title, may I be permitted to suggest a different word, with a higher quality of meaning—viz., Endurance? I remember well, in the first months of the war, meeting one of our Aberdeen parish church ministers, on a Sunday afternoon, and remarking to him : "You are not afraid of the result of the war ? " He answered instantly : "Not in the least. I was preaching to my people this morning from the text that gives the condition of success—Matt. x. 22—` He that en- dureth to the end, the same shall be saved.' " That is the spirit also of your article, and one cannot mix with people to any extent without feeling that it is the settled spirit of the country.—I am, Sir, &e., Sear.