Since The Introduction Of The Budget There Has Been A
strong movement in favour of giving a series of abatements to Income Tax payers with large families. The principle is one which we most heartily desire to endorse, and we would......
These Are Reasons Of Equity. There Are Reasons Of Economic
policy equally strong for our suggested scale of abatements. In the case of persons with incomes of from £150 to £300 or £500 a year, if a larger scale of abatement were allowed......
In The Case Of Persons Paying At Or Below The
3s. ed. rate, owing either to their income being earned or to it being below the £800 limit, we would allow a deduction of, say, £30 a year for every child up to the number of......
The Only Effective Way In Which To Do This Will
be to make people feel that a combination of a high Income Tax and a large family of children will not be allowed to reduce them to ruin. If people believe that owing to......
The Chancellor Next Dealt With The "trade War," And Declared
that the Allies were intent upon destroying Germany economically as well as militarily:— " Everywhere there is brutal rage to destroy and to annihilate, and the calculated......
Turning To The Reconstruction After The War, The...
:— " Herr Asquith speaks of the principle of nationalities. When he does that, and if he can put himself in the place of his unconquered and invincible enemy—can he really......
The Hungarian Red Cross Has Sent A Message To The
Russian Red Cross expressing deep concern and sympathy at the loss of the Russian hospital ship Portugal.' It will be remembered that the 'Portugal' was torpedoed by a German......
We Fully Admit That The Subject Is One Which Bristles
with diffi- culties, and we admit also that it isquite possible that the specific suggestions we have made will not stand criticism or may be shown to be not sufficiently......
The Balkan Correspondent Of The Times, In A Message To
the paper of Friday week, says that Tsar Ferdinand has been encouraged to believe it possible for Bulgaria to reconquer at least a part of the territory which Roumania seized......
In The Reichstag On Wednesday Week Herr Von Bethmann Hollweg
made a long and very important statement on the inten , Mons of Germany. In his review of the military situation he took the strange course of saying that Germany could never be......
Lord Cromer Sent A Valuable Letter To The Times Of
Tuesday on Herr von Bethmann Hollweg's speech in the Reichstag. He suggested that some official answer should be made to that speech, if only to show to the world, and possibly......
Rank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 P.c. Aug.
8th, 1911.......