Though To Us The Balance Of Argument Is On The
other side, the Qedernment have a case for saying that they are not going to intro- duce a new system of compulsion till they have properly exhausted the one already adopted.......
In Any Case, However, Sir Edward Carson's Amendment Need Not
, be considered in a tragic, light. Even if the Government meet it with a direct negative, we do not suppose that more than a hundred or so Unionists will vote for it ; but that......
Mr. Asquith In His Speech At The Lancaster House Dinner
defined the policy of the Allies. The German Chancellor had suggested that if there were to be peace discussions, England must assume the attitude of a defeated to a victorious......
The Zeppelin Raid Of Wednesday Week On The North-eastern...
did rather more damage than we were able to report last week. Three Zeppelins came and three separate districts were visited. One child was killed, and two men, one woman, and......
A Party Of French Senators And Deputies Arrived In London
bst Sunday, and on Monday visited the King and Queen at Bucking. ham Palace and Sir Edward Grey at the Foreign Office. In the evening they dined at Lancaster House, when Mr.......
During The Week The Number Of Vessels, British And Neutral,
riEstroyed by enemy submarines has unhappily been large. Though the subject is not one for panic, it is one for grave anxiety. rho calls upon shipping, for feeding the people of......
In The House Of Lords On Monday There Was A
debate on the forthcoming Economic Conference in Paris. Lord Courtney, who as usual spoke almost entirely for himself, expressed a fear that • the object of the Conference was......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Week Mr. Mckenna
moved that a Member of Parliament who was also a soldier or sailor must elect whether to receive his Parliamentary salary or his military or naval pay. He could not have both.......
In The Reichstag On Wednesday Week Herr Von Bethmann Hollweg
made a long and very important statement on the inten , Mons of Germany. In his review of the military situation he took the strange course of saying that Germany could never be......
There Is Nothing Of Very Great Importance To Report In
regard ao the British position in France. Throughout the whole week there have been eictusions and alartuns, but the ebb and flovt of battle has loft the position very much as......
We Note That Sir Edward Carson Has Set Down A
motion calling %r amendments to the Military Service Act which will make all men of military age liable for military service during the war. He wishes ix facilities to debate......