We note that Sir Edward Carson has set down a
motion calling %r amendments to the Military Service Act which will make all men of military age liable for military service during the war. He wishes ix facilities to debate this motion before Easter. Presumably, therefore, there will be a debate next Monday or Tuesday. Our n.aders know our views in regard to compulsion so well that we need aot set them forth again. But though we are in thorough agreement with the substance of the motion, we see a danger of its 'Oeing used (not by Sir Edward Carson), not for its legitimate purpose, but as an instrument for destroying the Coalition Govern- inent—a course of great peril. We should, naturally, like to see the Government assent to the motion ; but if they do not at present 900 their way to do this, but express their wish to finish putting the Military Service Act into operation with appropriate vigour, they ohould not be hindered in that determination.