"stubbornness, Stubbornness, And Again Stubbornness."
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " 8pm-won:] Slir,—Relative to your fine article in the last issue of the Spectator under the above title, may I be permitted to suggest a different word,......
The Path Of Labour.
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] STR,—At such a time as the present, when there is more history crammed into a single hour than has been compiled in the past forty years of......
State Purchase Of The Liquor Traffic. [to Ter Editor Of
TEl " SPECTATOR."1 Szn,—The closing paragraph of Mr. Arnold F. Hills's letter in your issue of March 25th raises the one really serious objection to the State purchase of the......
The Real Failure Of The Government.
• [To TIM EDITOR OP TRH "SPECTATOR.") Sra,—Will you permit me, as an Australian officer, to point out the real matter in which our Government has, in my opinion, fallen short 1`......
The Income Tax And Large Families
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] think the small voice of the father of a large family ought to be heard in these days of high Income Tax, but I am afraid, as he belongs to......